How to use MynaParrot BigBlueButton Service in Chamilo Plugin

To use MynaParrot BigBlueButton Service, you must use our customized BigBlueButton Plugin for Chamilo, as we have enabled admin users to configure user limits and class duration in this version. For the MynaParrot load balancer system, setting the user limits is very important.

Step 1: Install MynaParrot customized version of the BigBlueButton plugin for chamilo

Download & follow the instruction from here:

Chamilo BigBlueButton plugin for Chamilo Version: 1.11.x

This is a customized version that allows the user to set a user limit per course.

How to use it?

  1. Download it from here:
  2. Now unzip
  3. Now upload bbb directory to plugin directory of you Chamilo installation by FTP. It should replace existing bbb directory.
  4. Done! You can start using it.


Step2.Login to your account and find the information for Host and Salt

 Go to:  You'll find "Host" & "Salt" there.


Step3. Input that information into your Chamilo BigBlueButton plugin





Step4. Do some global configuration for the BigBlueButton plugin 


Step5. You also can configure user limits and class duration individually for each class session 

Go to the course home page -----> admin section -----> Setting -----> Video Conference 


Click Video conference 

Here you can configure some settings only for this course 

All of those settings should be based on your actual course situation. The original BigBlueButton plugin for Chamilo has a meeting duration limit of 300 minutes by default. If you don't set it here, the meeting will end after 300 minutes.

In addition, if you do not specify a user limit, the MynaParrot Loadbalacer system will use 30 by default. In this case, it's possible that you won't be able to open more rooms at the same time because the capacity has been exceeded.


Step6. Join a session 


It should work after that configuration. If not, or if you require assistance in setting it up, please contact our support team, and we will assist you.

Learn more for our BigBlueButton Service, visit here


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