How to Obtain Microsoft Azure's Required API Information for BigBlueButton Live CC

To take advantage of Live CC + translation services in BigBlueButton, we'll need the following API information from your Microsoft Azure account to integrate this service to BigBlueButton.

In Microsoft Azure, create an account or sign in.

The following is the direct URL to take you to the Azure portal page.

After you log in the interface will be similar to this screenshot


Step 1. Add resources

Create that plus button to create a resource. 

1.1 Add Speech

This is the direct link to add speech

This is the form you have to complete in order to establish your resources.

Region: West US2 is recommended


1.2 Add Translator

This is the direct link to add Translator

This is the form you have to complete in order to establish your resources.

Region: West US2 is recommended


Step 2. Find API key information

After you've created the Speech and Translator resources, you can look through them to learn more about the API.

2.1 For Speech

Click view


Keys and Endpoint


2.2 For Translator

Click view

Keys and Endpoint


Please share those keys and Endpoint information with us. Those are the information we need to integrate with BigBlueButton.

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