How to use custom CSS style for BigBlueButton RTMP?

Nowadays, live streaming is extremely popular. As far as I can remember, these trends appeared because of Twitch. tv. After the appearance of this platform, one could watch gaming streams in real-time with other gamers all around the world. 

But people are not only watching other people playing games while they sit back and relax. Nowadays, there are many webinars, online conferences, lectures, and video calls that are streamed all the time. And this trend will continue appearing for sure!

In this post, we'll look at how we'll use BigBlueButton to live stream and how we can change the CSS style.

The popular plugin BigBlueButton is a useful tool for Learning Management Systems to offer online video classes. This tool is used by millions of schools each day.BigBlueButton doesn't include a live streaming option in its original form, but if you're using the MynaParrot BigBlueButton service, you can get this additional add-on function.

How to Using BigBlueButton Live Streaming (For MynaParrot Users)


1) Click the + button and select live streaming




2) Choose the platform from the dropdown list




3) Input your live stream key ( get it from your Youtube/Facebook account)




4) Click start live streaming

Now you can go back to the YouTube/Facebook live streaming platform. In a few seconds, you will see that it is working. For more detailed instructions, please read these blog. 

How to start MynaParrot BBB live broadcasting via Youtube

How to start BigBlueButton live broadcasting via Facebook



How to use CSS files to modify the BigBlueButton Live Streaming interface

If you're using MynaParrot as your BigBlueButton solution then you can easily broadcast your session to YouTube or Facebook using RTMP. Sometimes you want to customize your broadcasting interface during streaming. Using MynaParrot API you can easily do it!

There are two ways you can do it.

1) Using My API Settings

Go to My Classroom > My API Settings & set your custom CSS link in the Custom CSS file field which is located under the Styling tab. This will apply that CSS as a global setting for your all sessions.

For MynaParrot users, you can click this link to get to this section.



2) Using Custom metadata

In this approach, you can set custom metadata values during creating your meeting using create API call. You can learn more about metadata from here:

The filed name will be: meta_rtmp-custom-style-url

Set your custom CSS URL as a value of meta_rtmp-custom-style-url & RTMP bot will take that value to change your broadcasting interface.


Conclusion :

Now you know BigBlueButton can be used as a live streaming platform. It's an awesome feature for those who want to communicate with their audience and followers by broadcasting lectures, seminars, webinars, and so on!

If you have any questions about this tutorial or the MynaParrot BigBlueButton service feel free to contact support and we'll reply as soon as possible.


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