How to use MynaParrot BigBlueButton Service in WordPress Plugin

WordPress is a very popular website content management system. There are millions of users every day.BigBlueButton has a default plugin for this system and to make it work with MynaParrot BBB solution, you have to follow those steps.


How to integrate MynaParrot Bigbluebutton MP4 features in your system.

You can request to process your recording to MP4 using API. Here we did extended BBB API. So, you'll require to follow same procedure as you are doing for BBB API. You can find details from here:

User Connection Status Monitor

We have added this new feature of our BBB users. Now users are easy to understand if there is a connection problem during the meeting session.


How to use MynaParrot BigBlueButton Service in Chamilo Plugin

Chamilo is another very popular Opensource LMS software, and now we also support Chamilo users to integrate with our BBB system.

Here is how it works.


How to generate MP4 recordings in BigBlueButton

MP4 Recordings is a high demand features for BigBlueButton. With our customized version of BBB service, then you can get your MP4 Recordings,

Here is how it works. 


How to use MynaParrot BigBlueButton Service in your Moodle

BigBlueButton is the most popular plugin of Moodle, serving millions of students every day.MynaParrot as a bigbluebutton hosting provider, has full support for the BigBlueButton service in Moodle Plugin, including new extended features and a scalable load balancing solution, which is much easier to use than ever. In this article, we will show you how to configure the BigBlueButton plugin in your Moodle LMS when MynaParrot is your BigBlueButton Hosting service.
