
How to generate MP4 recordings in BigBlueButton

MP4 Recordings is a high demand features for BigBlueButton. With our customized version of BBB service, then you can get your MP4 Recordings,

Here is how it works. 

1. To generate recordings in MP4 format, first of all, you need to record the session and get the original BigBlueButton recordings. See the screenshots and enable recordings on your session.

2.  After that, find your recordings in your user panel. See this screenshot


3. Click and get the inside page of recordings 

4. There is a column for MP4 Status, click Start process to request your MP4 Recordings. 

You will receive an email notification once MP4 recordings are ready. 

You can watch it or download from the link or from the user panel. 


Those are the steps of getting BigBlueButton recordings in MP4 format. 

Learn more for our BigBlueButton Service, visit here https://bit.ly/2Y34fAB

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