
What does the BigBlueButton error code mean?

BigBlueButton is an opensource video conference software that is becoming increasingly popular during the COVID-19 period. Every day, millions of people take classes online. Users may encounter error codes such as 1001,1006,1007,1020... What does this mean? What should be checked and how should it be fixed?

The advantage of web-based software is that there is no need to download and install anything; simply use a browser, which is very convenient and compatible with all devices. However, the user must configure the browser correctly, and the developer must configure the server correctly as well. Otherwise, error messages will be displayed.

We've listed the majority of the most common error messages along with the code to make it easier for you to look up and understand what's going on when those error messages appear.

1001: WebSocket disconnected - The WebSocket had connected successfully and has now disconnected. 

What need to check: 

  • internet connection 


1002: Could not make a WebSocket connection - The initial WebSocket connection was unsuccessful. 

What need to check: 

  • The firewall may block was protocol, 
  • The server may go down or improperly configured


1003: Browser version not supported - Browser doesn’t implement the necessary WebRTC API methods. 

What needs to check: 

  • Is it the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, or Safari? 


1004: Failure on call - The call was attempted, but failed. 

What needs to check: 

  • A version of Freeswitch for BBB

1005: Call ended unexpectedly - The call was successful but ended without the user requesting to end the session.

What needs to check: 

  • Server down 

1006: Call timed out - The library took too long to try and connect the call.

What needs to check: 

  • Is it the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, or Safari? 


1007: ICE negotiation failed - The browser and FreeSWITCH try to negotiate ports to use to stream the media and that negotiation failed. 

What needs to check: 

  • TURN Server configuration


1008: Call transfer failed - A timeout while waiting for FreeSWITCH to transfer from the echo test to the real conference. 

What needs to check: 

  • FreeSWITCH Configuration 


1009: Could not fetch STUN/TURN server information 

What needs to check: 

  • BigBlueButton Version
  • Network 


1010: ICE negotiation timeout 

What needs to check: 

  • Network 


1020: Media cloud could not reach the server 

 What needs to check:

  • Is server overloaded


Those are common BigBlueButton error codes; I'm sure if you're a BigBlueButton user, you've seen them at some point. Also, thanks to the BigBlueButton Developer Community, some of the data is from the official BigBlueButton development document. We listed it here and added some of our own thoughts and experiences to it. I just wanted to make it easier for you to look up that code and hope it helps you detect and fix the problem. If you want to learn more about BigBlueButton troubleshooting, you can visit the official development document at this link.


If you require additional assistance in resolving those error messages, please contact us via the support channel.

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