MynaParrot BigBlueButton Service Rebranding

Users always ask what we can do for the MynaParrot BigBlueButton Service rebranding. This article is going to show you what we can do and what we need from the user side for the branding.

What is MynaParrot BigBlueButton rebranding service?

It means we will change the classroom URL, logo, welcome message,  Welcome PDF, copyrights information. 

Apart from that display information. We also can do the personalized configuration for the BigBlueButton features based on the client request. Something like if you want to change the default language, you want to activate or deactivate some functions. Those also can be done. But, please keep in mind that, this not include customization development. 

In general, it is like configure your own BigBlueButton hosting server and also can be many BigBlueButton servers together and build a BigBlueButton Cluster structure with a load balancing system.


What do we need from the user side to be able to do such customization?

1) Expected classroom URL (for example

2) Logo (250x250)

3) Favicon.ico

4) Copyright text & URL


You can replace ‘MynaParrot” with your own Brand


clientTitle = "MynaParrot"

appName = "MynaParrot HTML5 Client"

copyright = "©️ 2020 MynaParrot SIA"

helpLink = ""

This server is running by MynaParrot

Recorded by MynaParrot


5) Default pdf file like this: (


What are the requirements for a client to have this feature?

Branding only available for Ultra-2 plan or higher 

Branding Setup fee: 15 USD 

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