How to get BigBlueButton meeting started & ended time with timezone?

Sometimes developers have questions about how they can get their meeting started and ended time in their timezone. BigBlueButton track of meeting start time by creating a metadata record when you first start meeting in BigBlueButton server. When the meeting is finished, it keeps a metadata record of ended time. You can retrieve this information at any point during the meeting running by using either the getMeetings or getMeetingInfo API calls. Use createTime or createDate, depending on what you're looking for - createDate has a timezone with it while createTime is in milliseconds.


But if you use getRecordings after finishing the process of recordings that time you'll only get values in milliseconds. Sometimes developers are confused about the timezone of given time.

To solve this problem in the MynaParrot BigBlueButton server, we've added three extra pieces of metadata to store time in the correct ISO 8601 format. Developers will be able to use these fields to get the correct date and convert it from one zone to another. The fields are:

meeting-created-at Available in getMeetings, getMeetingInfo and getRecordings API Call
meeting-ended-at Available only in getRecordings API Call
recording-ready-at Available only in getRecordings API Call


We use the GMT+02:00 time zone to display time information. You can convert this time zone to your own with ease.

If you're using PHP to develop your solution, then you can follow this article: Connect with BigBlueButton in easy 2 steps using PHP or this article: A Collection of BigBlueButton API Development Document and Library Samples.

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