1 |
Generally how to use the MynaParrot Classroom system
2 |
Preguntas y respuestas sobre el servicio BBB
3 |
Cómo generar grabaciones en MP4 en BigBlueButton
4 |
How to start BigBlueButton live broadcasting via Facebook
5 |
User Connection Status Monitor
6 |
How to start BigBlueButton live broadcasting via Youtube
7 |
MP4/webm API
8 |
MynaParrot BigBlueButton Service Rebranding
9 |
Report processing API
10 |
MynaParrot BigBlueButton User Analytical Report
11 |
A Collection of BigBlueButton API Development Document and Library Samples
12 |
BigBlueButton past meeting info API
13 |
How to Obtain Microsoft Azure's Required API Information for BigBlueButton Live CC