Multilingual web conferencing

Language barriers are a thing of the past. Maintain effective communication across the globe with our multilingual web conferencing services. We offer real time interpretation, translation and transcription services to ensure that all your business meetings are successful.

Why you need it ?

MynaParrot Multilingual web conferencing is the perfect solution for your international business.
It’s an online meeting room that provides real-time translation services, so no matter where in the world you are located, people can communicate with one another without any language barriers.
It’s like there's an interpreter in the room! This means more opportunities to grow and collaborate across borders.

How it works?

You don’t have to worry about missing out on international clients or having to hire expensive translators anymore!
With MynaParrot Multilingual Meeting Room, all of your meetings will be accessible by everyone regardless of their location or native tongue.
Plus it's easy to use - just a few clicks and start speaking! No need for a professional interpreter system or complicated setups.

Watch 1-minute demo video

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