Legal Notice

Legal Notice and information about the conditions of use of the website

In compliance with the duty of information stipulated in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, MYNAPARROT SL, as owner of the website HTTPS://WWW.MYNAPARROT.COM/ provides:


1. Identifying data:

  • Company name: MYNAPARROT SL
  • VAT Number: B67681619
  • Registered address: C/MATILDE DIEZ 11 A 28002 MADRID
  • Email: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
  • Registration details in the Mercantile Registry: VOLUME 42742, FOLIO 30, SECTION 8, PAGE 755848,

This information constitutes and regulates the conditions of use, limitations of liability, and obligations that users of the website published under the domain name HTTPS://WWW.MYNAPARROT.COM/ assume and commit to respect. In any case, the acceptance of the legal notice does not imply the establishment of a contractual relationship between USER and the RESPONSIBLE of the website, nor will it affect any previous relationship. Regarding the proper use of the website, all the information contained will be subject to the rights, duties, and obligations established by current legislation at any time, as well as those established in this legal notice.


2. Definitions

  • "Page", domain HTTPS://WWW.MYNAPARROT.COM/, available to Internet Users.
  • "User", individual or legal entity that uses or browses the Page.
  • "Content", are the pages that make up the entire domain HTTPS://WWW.MYNAPARROT.COM/ , which constitute the information and services that MYNAPARROT SL makes available to Internet Users. These contain messages, texts, photographs, graphics, icons, logos, technology, links, textures, drawings, sound and/or image files, recordings, software, appearance, graphic design, and source codes and, in general, any type of material contained in the Page.
  • "Web", technical term that describes the system of access to information via the Internet, which is configured through pages made with HTML or similar language, and programming mechanisms such as java, javascript, PHP, or others, etc. These pages designed and published under an Internet domain name are the result of the information that the owner makes available to Internet Users.
  • "Hyperlink", technique by which a User can browse through different pages of the Web, or the Internet, with a simple click on the text, icon, button, or indicator that contains the link.
  • "Cookies", technical means for "traceability" and tracking of navigation on websites. They are small text files that are written on the User's computer. This method has implications for privacy, so MYNAPARROT SL will give timely and accurate notice of its use when implemented on the Page.


3. Users/Conditions of use

Access and/or use of this website of HTTPS://WWW.MYNAPARROT.COM/ confers the status of USER, who accepts, from said access and/or use, the present terms of use, without reservations of each and every one of the clauses and general conditions included in the Legal Notice.

If the User does not agree with the clauses and conditions of use of this Legal Notice, they will refrain from using the Page.


4. Use of the website

HTTPS://WWW.MYNAPARROT.COM/ provides access to articles, information, and data (hereinafter, “THE CONTENTS”) owned by MYNAPARROT SL. The USER assumes responsibility for the use of the website.

Some pages of the website (HTTPS://WWW.MYNAPARROT.COM/) may allow participation through comments, in which case any user can send texts via the form established for that purpose. By sending such texts, by clicking on the corresponding link, The USER agrees and commits to making appropriate use of the content that HTTPS://WWW.MYNAPARROT.COM/ offers through its website, and not to use them for:

(i) Engaging in illegal activities, illegal or contrary to good faith and public order.

(ii) Spreading content or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic-illegal nature, advocating terrorism or attacking human rights.

(iii) Causing damage to the physical and logical systems of HTTPS://WWW.MYNAPARROT.COM/, its suppliers or third parties, introducing or spreading computer viruses on the network or any other physical or logical systems that are likely to cause the aforementioned damage.

(iv) Attempting to access and, where appropriate, use the email accounts of other users and modify or manipulate their messages.

(v) In short, to respect the applicable legislation, morality and generally accepted good customs, public order, and the present general conditions of access and use.

For this purpose, THE USER agrees and commits NOT to use any of the Contents for illegal purposes or effects, prohibited in the Legal Notice or by current legislation, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or that in any way could damage, disable, overload, deteriorate or impede the normal use of the Contents, computer equipment or documents, files and all kinds of content stored on any computer equipment owned or contracted by MYNAPARROT SL, other Users or any Internet user (hardware and software).

THE USER agrees and commits not to transmit, disseminate or make available to third parties any kind of material contained on the Page, such as information, texts, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and/or image files, photographs, recordings, software, logos, brands, icons, technology, photographs, software, links, graphic design and source codes, or any other material to which they had access in their capacity as a User of the Page, without this list being exhaustive.

Likewise, in accordance with all this, THE USER may not:

  • Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or in any other way publicly communicate, transform or modify the Contents, unless they have the written and explicit authorization of MYNAPARROT SL, who is the holder of the corresponding rights, or unless this is legally permitted.
  • Delete, manipulate or in any way alter the "copyright" and other data identifying the rights reservation of MYNAPARROT SL or its holders, of fingerprints and/or digital identifiers, or of any other technical means established for their recognition.
  • The User must refrain from obtaining and even trying to obtain the Contents using means or procedures other than those that, in each case, have been made available for this purpose or have been indicated for this purpose on the Web pages where the Contents are found or, in general, those that are normally used on the Internet for this purpose as long as they do not entail a risk of damage or disablement of the Page, and/or the Contents.


5. Privacy Policy. Data Protection

MYNAPARROT SL is aware of the importance of data protection, as well as the privacy of THE USER and therefore, it has implemented a data processing policy aimed at providing maximum security in the use and collection of the same, ensuring compliance with current regulations on the subject and configuring this policy as one of the basic pillars in the lines of action of the entity. Therefore, MYNAPARROT SL insists on the compulsory reading of its Privacy Policy: HTTPS://WWW.MYNAPARROT.COM/


6. Hyperlinks

As a service to our visitors, our website may include hyperlinks to other sites that are not operated or controlled by MYNAPARROT SL. Therefore, MYNAPARROT SL does not guarantee, nor is responsible for the legality, reliability, usefulness, truthfulness and timeliness of the contents of such websites or their privacy practices. Please, before providing your personal information to these websites other than HTTPS://WWW.MYNAPARROT.COM/ please bear in mind that their privacy practices may differ from ours.

Likewise, those persons who intend to establish hyperlinks between their website and ours (HTTPS://WWW.MYNAPARROT.COM/) must observe and comply with the following conditions:

  • No prior authorization will be necessary when the Hyperlink only allows access to the home page, but it cannot reproduce it in any way. Any other form of Hyperlink will require the express and unequivocal written authorization by MYNAPARROT SL.
  • “Frames” will not be created with the Web pages or on the Web pages of MYNAPARROT SL.
  • No false, inaccurate, or offensive statements or indications about MYNAPARROT SL, its directors, its employees or collaborators, or the people who relate to the Page for any reason, or the Users of the Page, or the Contents supplied, will be made.
  • It will not be declared or implied that MYNAPARROT SL has authorized the Hyperlink or that it has supervised or assumed in any way the Contents offered or made available on the Web page where the Hyperlink is established.
  • The Web page where the Hyperlink is established may only contain what is strictly necessary to identify the destination of the Hyperlink.
  • The Web page where the Hyperlink is established will not contain illegal information or contents, contrary to morality and generally accepted good customs and public order, nor will it contain contents contrary to any rights of third parties.


7. Modification of the Legal Notice

With the aim of improving the performance of the website, MYNAPARROT SL reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, modifications and updates of the information contained on the website, of the configuration and design of it and this legal notice, as well as any other particular conditions. When these particular conditions affect the USER, they will be duly informed, and they may refrain from accepting them, applying those conditions in force until then and until the contractual relationship with the owner of the website ends. Acceptance of the Legal Notice does not entail the establishment of any commercial relationship, except for the rights, duties, and obligations arising from the good use of this website in accordance with current legislation. All updates and/or modifications will be communicated when accessing the website so that any USER can be aware of the scope of them.

MYNAPARROT SL holds all the intellectual and industrial property rights of its website, as well as the elements contained in it (including, but not limited to, images, sound, audio, video, software or texts; trademarks or logos, color combinations, structure and design, selection of used materials, necessary computer programs for its operation, access and use, etc.), owned by MYNAPARROT SL or its licensors, with all rights reserved.

Any use not previously authorized by MYNAPARROT SL, will be considered a serious breach of the author's intellectual or industrial property rights.

The USER agrees to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights owned by MYNAPARROT SL. They can view the elements of the website and even print, copy, and store them on the hard drive of their computer or any other physical medium as long as it is, solely and exclusively, for their personal and private use. The USER must refrain from deleting, altering, evading or manipulating any protective device or security system that was installed on the pages of MYNAPARROT SL.

All trademarks, trade names, or distinctive signs of any kind that appear on the Page are the property of MYNAPARROT SL or, where appropriate, third parties who have authorized their use, without it being understood that the use or access to the Portal and/or the Contents attribute to the User any right over the aforementioned trademarks, trade names and/or distinctive signs, and without it being understood that any of the exploitation rights that exist or may exist on such Contents have been transferred to the User.

Likewise, the Contents are the intellectual property of MYNAPARROT SL, or of third parties where appropriate, therefore, the Intellectual Property rights are owned by MYNAPARROT SL or third parties who have authorized their use, who have the exclusive exercise of the rights of exploitation of them in any form and, in particular, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication, and transformation. The reproduction, distribution and public communication, including the method of making them available, of all or part of the contents of this website, for commercial purposes, in any medium and by any technical means, without the authorization of MYNAPARROT SL, are expressly prohibited.

The unauthorized use of the information contained in this Web, as well as the infringement of the Intellectual Property or Industrial rights of MYNAPARROT SL or third parties included in the Page that have transferred content will lead to the legally established responsibilities.


8. Cookies

Cookies are the technical means for "traceability" and tracking of navigation on websites. They are small text files that are written on the user's computer. This method has privacy implications, so MYNAPARROT SL informs that it may use cookies in order to compile usage statistics of the website and to identify the user's PC, allowing it to recognize them on their next visits. In any case, the user can configure their browser to not allow the use of cookies on their visits to the website.

MYNAPARROT SL is aware of the importance of data protection and the privacy of the user and therefore, insists on reading the Cookie Policy of our website HTTPS://WWW.MYNAPARROT.COM/ES/


9. Website Availability

MYNAPARROT SL does not guarantee the absence of interruptions or errors in accessing the Website, its Contents, or that these are up-to-date, although it will make its best efforts to, where appropriate, prevent them, correct them or update them. Consequently, MYNAPARROT SL is not responsible for any damage or harm of any type produced in the User that cause failures or disconnections in telecommunications networks that cause the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the Portal service during the provision of it or previously.

MYNAPARROT SL excludes, with the exceptions contemplated in current legislation, any liability for damages of any nature that may be due to the lack of availability, continuity or quality of the operation of the Website and the Contents, to the non-compliance with the expectation of utility that users could have attributed to the Website and the Contents.

The function of the hyperlinks that appear on this website is exclusively to inform the user about the existence of other websites that contain information on the subject. These hyperlinks do not constitute a suggestion or recommendation.

MYNAPARROT SL is also not responsible for the security errors that may occur, nor for the damages that may be caused to the user's computer system (hardware and software), or to the files or documents stored in it, as a result of:

  • The presence of a virus in the user's computer that is used for the connection to the services and contents of the website,
  • A malfunction of the browser or the use of outdated versions of it.

MYNAPARROT SL is not responsible for the contents of these linked pages, the operation or usefulness of the hyperlinks or the result of these links, nor guarantees the absence of viruses or other elements in them that may cause alterations in the computer system (hardware and software), the user's documents or files, excluding any liability for damages of any kind caused to the user for this reason.

Access to the Website does not imply the obligation on the part of MYNAPARROT SL to control the absence of viruses, worms or any other harmful computer element. It is the User's responsibility, in any case, to have suitable tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful computer programs, therefore, MYNAPARROT SL is not responsible for the possible security errors that may occur during the provision of the Website service, nor for the possible damages that may be caused to the user's computer system or third parties (hardware and software), the files or documents stored in it, as a result of the presence of virus in the user's computer used for the connection to the services and contents of the Web, a malfunction of the browser or the use of outdated versions of it.


10. Quality of the Website

Given the dynamic and changing environment of the information and services that are provided through the Website, MYNAPARROT SL makes its best effort, but does not guarantee the complete truthfulness, accuracy, reliability, usefulness and/or timeliness of the Contents.

The information contained in the pages that make up this Portal only has informative, advisory, disseminating, and advertising character. In no case do they offer or have a binding or contractual commitment character.

MYNAPARROT SL excludes all responsibility for the decisions that the user may make based on this information, as well as for possible typographical errors that may contain the documents and graphics of the Page. The information is subject to possible periodic changes without prior notice of its content by expansion, improvement, correction or update of the Contents.


11. Availability of the Contents

The provision of the service of the Page and the Contents has, in principle, an indefinite duration. MYNAPARROT SL, however, is authorized to terminate or suspend the provision of the Page service and/or any of the Contents at any time. When reasonably possible, MYNAPARROT SL will give prior notice of the termination or suspension of the Page.

There are complaint forms available, which you can request from the Data Controller through the means indicated in section 1, or through the forms available in the Consumer Offices of your Autonomous Community.


12. Jurisdiction

For any issues that arise about the interpretation, application, and compliance of this Legal Notice, as well as the claims that may arise from its use, all participating parties submit to the current Spanish legislation to determine the competent jurisdiction in each specific case.


13. Applicable legislation

These conditions are governed by Spanish law.

All copyright reserved by the laws and international treaties of intellectual property. It is expressly prohibited to copy, reproduce or disseminate, totally or partially, by any means.


Terms and Conditions


The ownership of this website, HTTPS://WWW.MYNAPARROT.COM, (hereinafter Website) is held by:

  1. Company name: MYNAPARROT SL
  2. Tax Identification Code: B67681619
  3. Registered office: C/ MATILDE DÍEZ, 11 - A, 28002, MADRID, SPAIN
  4. Data of registration in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid: VOLUME 42742, PAGE 30, SECTION 8, SHEET 755848
  5. Contact details:  Email: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

This document (as well as all other related documents) will regulate the conditions governing the use of this Website HTTPS://WWW.MYNAPARROT.COM/ and the purchase or acquisition of products and/or services (such terminology includes the reservations and services offered) offered on it (hereinafter, Conditions).The aforementioned Conditions are included in the activity carried out by MYNAPARROT SL on the Website, which are:

  1. Software service
  2. Meeting software for online training actions


It is necessary that the User, before accessing, browsing and/or using this website, reads these Conditions, the Legal Notice, Cookies Policy and MYNAPARROT SL's Privacy Policy. Likewise, the User, by using this Website and/or requesting the acquisition of a product and/or service, will be bound by these conditions, in case of disagreement with them, they should not use this Website.

These Conditions may be modified. In any case, the User is responsible for checking them each time they access, browse or use the Website, and those in force at any given time will apply when they request any of the products and/or services offered. Likewise, despite the aforementioned responsibility, when these conditions are modified, the user will be duly informed. If the User has any doubts about the Conditions, they may contact MYNAPARROT SL, through any of the channels provided at the top.



The browsing, access and use of the Website, confers the condition of user/s, so that they accept, from the start of the corresponding navigation within the Website all the Conditions established in this document, as well as subsequent modifications that may occur. All of this without prejudice to the application of the corresponding legal regulations in each case.

The User assumes their responsibility for the correct use of this Website. This responsibility includes:

  1. Use the Website only to make legal and valid inquiries, purchases and/or acquisitions.
  2. Not to make any kind of false or fraudulent purchase and/or acquisition. If the purchase can be qualified as such, it will be cancelled and the competent authorities will be informed.
  3. The contact details provided will be truthful and legal.

In any case, the User declares to be over eighteen (18) years old and to have full legal capacity to enter into contracts through this Website. If the User is not over eighteen (18) years old or a minor and has the consent of their parent/mother or legal guardian, the User may not make any purchase or contract for products and/or services offered on this Website. The owner of the Website is not responsible for the acts committed by the minor or incapable person in fraud of the law.

The Website is primarily aimed at Users residing in Spain. Therefore, MYNAPARROT SL, does not assume responsibility for the Website to comply, in whole or in part, with legislation from other countries. Nor does it guarantee the provision of services or deliveries outside of Spain.

The User, at their choice, may enter into a purchase contract for the products and/or services they desire with MYNAPARROT SL in any of the languages in which these Conditions are established on this Website.



Users duly registered can buy on the Website by the means and ways established. They must follow the online purchase and/or acquisition procedure of HTTPS://WWW.MYNAPARROT.COM, during which various services or training packages can be selected and added to the cart, basket or final purchase space, so that, finally, click on: CHECK OUT

Also, the User must fill in, complete and check the information requested at each step, although, during the purchase process, before making the payment, the purchase data can be modified.

Subsequently, the User will receive an email confirming that MYNAPARROT SL, has received their order or purchase request and/or provision of service, this message being the confirmation of the order. If applicable, the User will also be informed, by email, when their purchase is being shipped. If applicable, this information may be made available to the User through their personal connection space on the Website.

Once the purchase procedure has been concluded, the User consents to the Website generating an electronic invoice which will be sent to the User by email and/or through their personal connection space on the Website. Also, the User can, if they wish, obtain a paper copy of their invoice, by requesting it from MYNAPARROT SL, using the contact spaces on the Website or through the contact details provided above.

The User acknowledges being aware, at the time of purchase, of certain particular conditions of sale concerning the product and/or service in question and which are displayed next to the service or, if applicable, image on this Website. As an example (in no case exhaustive) according to the case:

  • Name.
  • Price.
  • Dates.
  • Location.
  • Dimensions.
  • Spaces and/or places.
  • Product details.
  • Product characteristics.
  • How the service is carried out.
  • Cost of the service and/or product.


And acknowledges that the making of the purchase order implies full and complete acceptance of the particular conditions of sale applicable to each case.

The communications, purchase orders and payments involved in the transactions made on the Website may be archived and kept in the computerized records of MYNAPARROT SL, in order to constitute a means of proof of the transactions, respecting the reasonable conditions of security, laws and regulations in force that are applicable (in particular, the GDPR and LSSI-CE).



All purchase orders received by MYNAPARROT SL, through the Website, are subject to the availability of the products and/or that no circumstances or causes of force majeure (clause nine of these Conditions) affect the supply of the same and/or the provision of the services. If difficulties arise in terms of availability, MYNAPARROT SL, commits to contact the User and refund any amount that may have been paid in terms of amount. This will also apply in cases where the provision of a service becomes unfeasible.



The prices displayed on the Website are the final ones, in euros (€) and dollars (USD) and do not include taxes, unless by legal requirement, especially with regard to VAT, or the corresponding tax, it is indicated differently.

In no case will the Website automatically add additional costs to the price of a product or a service, but only those that the User has selected and chosen freely and voluntarily. Even so, prices may change at any time, but any possible changes will not affect orders or purchases with respect to Users who have already received a confirmation of order.

In reference to payment methods, these will be: credit or debit card, and payment through PayPal account.

Credit cards will be subject to checks and authorizations by the issuing banking entities. If such an entity does not authorize the payment, MYNAPARROT SL, will not be responsible for any delay or failure in delivery and will not be able to formalize any contract with the User.

Once MYNAPARROT SL, receives the purchase order from the User through the Website, a pre-authorization will be made on the corresponding card to ensure that there are sufficient funds to complete the transaction. The charge to the card will be made at the time when the User is sent the shipping confirmation and/or confirmation of the service being provided in the form and, if applicable, place established. In any case, the User confirms that the payment method is theirs and/or they are the legitimate holder of a gift card or subscription.

Through the payment method, the User must ensure that they enter the exact amount of the purchase order, as well as the account number and the reference of the transfer. In case of error, MYNAPARROT SL, will not be able to validate the order, which will therefore be cancelled.



Unless it is an intangible product, such delivery cannot be physical. Therefore, it will be considered carried out through the sales confirmation email sent by MYNAPARROT SL, or with the enjoyment of the services or training program contracted.

In accordance with the provisions of Law 37/1992, of December 28, on Value Added Tax (VAT), purchase orders for delivery and/or provision will be understood to be located in the territory of application of Spanish VAT if the delivery address is in Spanish territory except for the Canary Islands, Ceuta, and Melilla. The applicable VAT rate will be the one legally in force at any time depending on the specific item in question.



The User is informed that in case they detect an error in entering necessary data to process their purchase request on the Website, they can modify them by contacting MYNAPARROT SL, through the contact spaces enabled on the Website, and, where appropriate, through those enabled to contact customer service, and/or using the contact details provided in the first clause (General Information).

In any case, the User, before clicking on FINALIZE PURCHASE, has access to the space, cart, or basket where their purchase requests are noted and can make modifications. Similarly, the User is referred to consult the Legal Notice and General Conditions of Use to gather more information on how to exercise their right of rectification as established in REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (hereinafter GDPR), as well as Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Personal Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights (hereinafter LOPD - GDD).



In cases where the User acquires products on or through the owner's Website, they are entitled to a series of rights, as listed and described below:

  1. Right of Withdrawal: the User is informed that, as provided in article 103 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, the user has a period of 14 calendar days in electronic or distance purchase processes to withdraw without reason or cost, however there are cases where the Right of Withdrawal is excepted. Specifically, in the cases that concern us in relation to the services offered by MYNAPARROT SL: The provision of services, once the service has been fully executed, when the execution has begun, with prior express consent of the consumer and user and with the recognition by them that they are aware that, once the contract has been fully executed by the businessman, they will have lost their right of withdrawal.
  2. Guarantees: The User, as a consumer and user, enjoys guarantees on the products that they can acquire through this Website, in the legally established terms for each type of product and/or service, responding MYNAPARROT SL.In this sense, it is understood that the products and/or services are in accordance with the contract as long as: they conform to the description made by MYNAPARROT SL, and possess the qualities presented in it; are suitable for the uses to which products of the same type are ordinarily destined; and present the quality and performance usual of a product of the same type and that are fundamentally expected from it.In any case, the guarantee offered by MYNAPARROT SL complies with European regulations establishing it for a period of two years, without prejudice to the guarantee that the manufacturer may offer, in which case and after the mentioned two years, the User should contact the latter. In any case, there are limitations to the guarantee and in each specific case, the provisions of Directive (EU) 2019/771 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of May 20, 2019, on certain aspects related to contracts for the sale of goods, amending Regulation (EU) 2017/2394 and Directive 2009/22/EC, and repealing Directive 1999/44/EC; as well as to the provisions of Directive (EU) 2019/770 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of May 20, 2019, on certain aspects of contracts for the supply of digital content and services.
  3. Return costs: The USER will assume the costs arising from the return. MYNAPARROT SL will refund the amount paid for the product, but it will be the USER who assumes the cost of returning the product, unless they themselves deliver the product to the facilities of MYNAPARROT SL. The return of money will only be refunded if the USER exercises their right of withdrawal within 14 calendar days from the making of the order and delivery or returns the product within that period.



Unless otherwise provided by law, MYNAPARROT SL will not accept any liability for the following losses, regardless of their origin:

  • Any losses that were not attributable to any breach on its part.
  • Business losses (including loss of profit, income, contracts, anticipated savings, data, loss of goodwill, or unnecessary expenses incurred).
  • Any other indirect loss that was not reasonably foreseeable by both parties at the time the contract of sale of the products between both parties was formalized.

Likewise, MYNAPARROT SL also limits its liability in the following cases:

  • MYNAPARROT SL applies all measures to provide a faithful display of the product on the Website, however it is not responsible for the minimal differences or inaccuracies that may exist due to lack of screen resolution, or problems with the browser being used or other of this nature.
  • Technical failures that due to fortuitous causes or other, prevent a normal functioning of the service through the internet. Lack of availability of the Website for maintenance or other reasons, which prevents having the service. MYNAPARROT SL puts all means at its disposal to carry out the process of purchase, payment, and shipping/delivery of the products, however it is exempt from liability for causes that are not attributable to it, fortuitous case or force majeure.
  • In general, MYNAPARROT SL will not be responsible for any non-compliance or delay in the fulfillment of any of the obligations assumed, when it is due to events that are beyond our reasonable control, that is, they are due to force majeure, and this may include, by way of illustration but not limitation:
  1. Strikes, lockouts, or other claim measures.
  2. Civil commotion, riot, invasion, threat or terrorist attack, war (declared or not) or threat or preparations for war.
  3. Fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic, or any other natural disaster.
  4. Impossibility of use of trains, boats, planes, motor transport, or other means of transport, public or private.
  5. Impossibility of using public or private telecommunications systems.
  6. Acts, decrees, legislation, regulations, or restrictions of any government or public authority.

In this way, the obligations will be suspended during the period in which the force majeure continues, and MYNAPARROT SL will have an extension in the term to fulfill them for a period of time equal to the duration of the force majeure. MYNAPARROT SL will use all reasonable means to find a solution that allows us to fulfill our obligations despite the cause of force majeure.



By using this Website, the User agrees that most of the communications with MYNAPARROT SL are electronic (email or notices posted on the Website).

For contractual purposes, the User consents to use this electronic means of communication and acknowledges that all contracts, notices, information, and other communications that MYNAPARROT SL sends electronically meet the legal requirements to be in writing. This condition will not affect the rights recognized by law to the User.

The User can send notifications and/or communicate with MYNAPARROT SL through the contact details provided in these Conditions and, where appropriate, through the contact spaces of the Website.

Similarly, unless otherwise stipulated, MYNAPARROT SL can contact and/or notify the User at his/her email or the postal address provided.


11.- WAIVER.

No waiver by MYNAPARROT SL of a specific right or legal action or lack of requirement by MYNAPARROT SL for the User to strictly comply with any of his/her obligations will imply, neither a waiver of other rights or actions derived from a contract or the Conditions, nor will it exonerate the User from fulfilling his/her obligations.

No waiver by MYNAPARROT SL of any of these Conditions or rights or actions derived from a contract will take effect unless it is expressly stated that it is a waiver and it is formalized and communicated to the User in writing.



If any of these Conditions were declared null and void by a firm resolution issued by a competent authority, the rest of the clauses will remain in force, unaffected by such a declaration of nullity.



These Conditions and any document expressly referred to in them constitute the entire agreement existing between the User and MYNAPARROT SL in relation to the object of purchase and replace any other pact, agreement, or previous promise agreed verbally or in writing by the same parties.

The User and MYNAPARROT SL acknowledge having consented to the conclusion of a contract without having relied on any statement or promise made by the other party, except what is expressly mentioned in these Conditions.



The personal information or data that the User provides to MYNAPARROT SL during a transaction on the Website will be treated in accordance with the data Privacy Policies that are available to the User at HTTPS://WWW.MYNAPARROT.COM, in the corresponding section. By accessing, browsing and/or using the Website, the User consents to the treatment of such information and data and declares that all the information or data provided are true.



Access, navigation, and/or use of this Website and the purchase contracts of products through it will be governed by Spanish legislation.

Any controversy, problem, or disagreement that arises or is related to the access, navigation, and/or use of the Website, or with the interpretation and execution of these Conditions, or with the sale contracts between MYNAPARROT SL and the User, will be subjected to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Spanish courts and tribunals.



The User can send to MYNAPARROT SL their complaints, claims or any other comment they wish to make through the contact details provided at the beginning of these Conditions (General Information).

In addition, MYNAPARROT SL has official complaint forms available to consumers and users, which they can request from MYNAPARROT SL at any time, using the contact details provided at the beginning of these Conditions (General Information).

Likewise, if a dispute arises from this purchase contract between MYNAPARROT SL and the User, the User as a consumer can request an out-of-court dispute resolution, in accordance with Regulation EU No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of May 21, 2013, on online dispute resolution in consumer matters. You can access this method through the website: 


Privacy Policy

In accordance with the current legislation on data protection, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (hereinafter, GDPR), as well as Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (hereinafter, LOPD-GDD), the user is informed in accordance with the provisions of articles 13 of the GDPR and 11 of the LOPD-GDD:


Who is responsible for processing your data?

  • Company name: MYNAPARROT SL
  • Tax Identification Number (CIF): B67681619
  • Address: C/MATILDE DIEZ 11 A 28002 MADRID
  • Email: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
  • Registration data in the Commercial Registry: VOLUME 42742, PAGE 30, SECTION 8, SHEET 755848,

What is the purpose of processing your personal data?

MYNAPARROT SL processes your information to:

  1. Maintain the commercial relationship and provide the contracted service.
  2. Make a budget tailored to your needs.
  3. Manage email communications with interested parties.
  4. Carry out the company's selection processes.
  5. Management of the company's employees and human resources.
  6. Sending commercial information related to our sector:

How long will we keep your data?

The personal data you provide will be kept as long as the commercial relationship is maintained. However, to be as transparent as possible with you, we indicate that the general calculations we work with are:

  • Generic identification data (email, name, surname, telephone, etc.): as long as the commercial relationship lasts or until consent is revoked. In any case, they will be eliminated when they are not going to be used for the purpose for which they were collected. 
  • Accounting, tax and labor: six (6) years.
  • Labor: ten (10) years.
  • Selection processes: two (2) years since the delivery of the curriculum vitae.
  • Also, given the sending of commercial information, even if the relationship between the parties ends, MYNAPARROT SL will continue to keep your information for the sending of newsletters related to our products and services. You can always exercise the rights recognized by current regulations by contacting us through the most convenient way for you.

 Despite the existence of these general terms, we inform you that we periodically review our systems to proceed to eliminate those data that are not legally necessary.


What is the legitimization for the processing of your data?

Depending on the purposes of collecting our data, the processing of your data is necessary:

  1. Manage the commercial relationship that you have signed and contracted with us.

a)Execution of a contract (enabled by article 6.1.b GDPR)

b)Consent of the interested party (inhabited by article 6.1.a GDPR)

  1. Preparation of a budget tailored to your needs.

a)Execution of a contract and/or pre-contractual relationship (enabled by article 6.1.b GDPR)

  1. Managing email communications with interested parties.

a)Consent of the interested party (inhabited by article 6.1.a GDPR)

b)Legitimate interest (enabled by article 6.1.f GDPR)

  1. To carry out the company's selection processes.

a)Consent of the interested party (inhabited by article 6.1.a GDPR)

b)Management of the company's internal employees and human resources

c)Contractual execution (enabled by article 6.1.b GDPR)

  1. Sending of commercial communications

a)Consent of the interested party (enabled by article 6.1. GDPR)

b)Consent of the interested party (enabled by article 20 LSSICE)

c)Legitimate interest (enabled by article 6.1.f GDPR)

Also, all data collected is necessary for the provision of the service. However, those data marked with an asterisk (*) will be mandatory. In case the mandatory data are not provided, MYNAPARROT SL will not be able to provide the contracted service.


What rights do I have in terms of data protection?

In accordance with the provisions of articles 13 GDPR and 11.2.c) LOPDGDD, you can exercise any of the following rights by informing us at the postal address C/MATILDE DIEZ 11 A 28002 MADRID or at the email address Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. In any case, under current regulations you have recognized the following rights according to the content of articles 15 to 22 GDPR and 12 to 18 LOPDGDD:

  • Right to request access to personal data concerning the interested party.
  • Right to request its rectification or deletion.
  • Right to request limitation of treatment.
  • Right to object to treatment.
  • Right to data portability.

You can request forms to exercise your rights from the Controller, through the email address indicated in the controller's data. Additionally, you can file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD). More information in Section VII of this document.


To whom will your data be communicated?

You will always be informed and, when appropriate, your express consent will be requested to transfer your personal data or to carry out international transfers in accordance with current regulations (arts. 13.1.e) and 44 GDPR, as well as art. 11.1 and 40 LOPDGDD 3/2018).


How have we obtained your data?

The personal data that MYNAPARROT SL uses come from the interested party himself, thus complying with the provisions of articles 13 GDPR and 11 LOPDGDD already mentioned, or from group or collaborating companies, about which you can obtain more information by writing to the email address Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. or at the Controller's office at the postal address indicated in this document.

What categories of data do we handle?

The categories of personal data that are processed:

  • Identification data



DNI / NIE / Passport or equivalent document

Postal addresses

Email addresses


Date of birth

Place of birth

Contact phone (mobile / fixed)

  • Commercial information

Economic data

Bank account number

Credit card number

  • Curriculum vitae

Academic data



Membership of associations or clubs

The processing of sensitive data will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of articles 9 GDPR and 9 LOPDGDD, informing in any case the interested party about which data will be used by the controller.


At MYNAPARROT SL we make every effort to comply with data protection regulations as it is our most valuable asset. However, we inform you that in case you understand that your rights have been undermined, you can file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), located at C/ Jorge Juan, 6. 28001 – Madrid. More information about the AEPD. . Documentation made by LegalDPO.