BigBlueButton VS Jitsi: What's Better For online classroom solution?

Two excellent open-source video conference systems, BigBlueButton and Jitsi, can be utilized for online classroom solutions. They both have advantages and disadvantages, but which one is superior? Which platform is better for an online class? In this post, we'll do a side-by-side comparison of these two platforms to assist you in your decision.

6 newly added features in bigbluebutton 2.4

The BigBlueButton developer team has been working quickly since their new version, bigbluebutton 2.4, is coming out next month (September 2021) with only a small water period of time after the release of bigbluebutton 2.3 which was just released in May 2021.

We have already set up a server for BigBlueButton 2.4, and if you are interested in testing it before release, please contact us.

In this blog, I will highlight some of the newly added features on version 2.4.

How to change camera background for bigbluebutton?

When using BigBlueButton for online education, many instructors want to have a virtual background such as zoom or other web-conferencing software. BigBlueButton does not currently have this feature built-in. However, the good news is in the underdeveloped version BigBlueButton 2.4, they have added this feature and the official release date is September. We are close to receiving it. You can get a quick overview of it on this link.

How to test BigBlueButton for free?

When you're trying to implement a bigbluebutton conference system into your learning platform, is better to do some tests first, than to start full-scale implementations.

But what kind of test could you do, without spending too much money, and taking too much time?

Why use breakout rooms and how to use it | bigbluebutton

Breakout rooms are a great way for remote online classroom students to collaborate and exchange ideas. They're also an excellent opportunity for knowledge sharing and training. If you have been considering using breakout rooms in your online teaching, then here are some reasons why bigbluebutton breakout rooms might be the best solution!

Top 10 Moodle Plugins by Active Sites Installation

Moodle is a learning management system that allows you to create online courses, manage course content, and monitor student progress. Moodle plugins allow you to add additional features or functions to your site. There are thousands of plugins available for moodle with more being created all the time! In this article, we have compiled our top 10 favorite plugins from sites with more than 100 active installations.

How to get past meeting information in BigBlueButton?

By default BigBlueButton deletes all meeting details after you finish a meeting. If you recorded the session then few information can be obtained during playback of recordings, but if you didn't record the session then no way to get any information. In MynaParrot we store some basic meeting data like meeting name, meeting ID, internalMeetingID etc. We do not keep any information related to users in these meetings!

Roadmap for BigBlueButton (World Conference 2021)

Welcome to the roadmap for BigBlueButton. The post is dedicated to helping people grow the market for online learning by having more effective conversations online. More importantly, access to quality education is an alarming issue, as outlined by the United Nations.

5 steps to start an e-learning business

There has never been a time when learning has been as dynamic and accessible as we have it now. Learning can now be achieved in many ways, at any time and any place. The reason is not far-fetched. The rapid advancement in technology, coupled with the Covid-19 pandemic, creates a new normal in almost every aspect of man's endeavors, and learning is not left out. Educational institutions and businesses now carry out some of their activities online.

6 Recommended Open Source Learning Management Systems (LMS)

The advent of technology now means that Skill acquisition is no longer restricted to on-site or physical venues. Learning now takes place online. Educational institutions and companies alike now hold their lectures and training online, made possible with the Learning Management System (LMS).

How to get BigBlueButton meeting started & ended time with timezone?

Sometimes developers have questions about how they can get their meeting started and ended time in their timezone. BigBlueButton track of meeting start time by creating a metadata record when you first start meeting in BigBlueButton server. When the meeting is finished, it keeps a metadata record of ended time. You can retrieve this information at any point during the meeting running by using either the getMeetings or getMeetingInfo API calls. Use createTime or createDate, depending on what you're looking for - createDate has a timezone with it while createTime is in milliseconds.

Is big blue button or bigbluebutton or BigBlueButton?

The user always gets confused about the correct written format name of BigBlueButton, which is not so critical for the user to use the bigbluebutton service. But, to clear your curiosity, we have written this article to let you know the correct format. And also, why is it named bigbluebutton? 

How to integrate MynaParrot Reseller System to WordPress site?

To ease the work of our reseller partners, we have developed the MynaParrot reseller plugin to integrate our reseller system with WordPress. With this plugin, you can do the following.

  • Create a subscription package plan and link the package with MynaParrot reseller resources. 
  • Users can check BigBlueButton API information at the WordPress user panel and can do a single sign-on to the MynaParot reseller system for further resources management. 

How to join the BigBlueButton meeting?

When people talk about BigBlueButton, most of them are developers, IT managers, or school admins. For the students or even teachers, most of them don´t know or don´t aware BigBlueButton since they are joining a classroom with LMS or maybe with a URL link, but usually, those links are the domain name URL of the organizations. They are not displaying any information about BigBlueButton.

In this article, we are going to categorize the way of joining a BigBlueButton meeting. If you are very new to BigBlueButton, it is good for you to understand how BigBlueButton works at the user-end

Why BigBlueButton is the destination for all LMS application users?

Necessity really is the mother of invention. This exactly holds true when BigBluebutton was first launched and went on being the best web conferencing system approved by the European Commission for helping millions of people learn online.

How to show external games/contents/quizzes inside BigBlueButton room?

In MynaParrot BigBlueButton service you'll be able to display external content inside your room. Sometimes clients want their students/attendees participate in a quiz or HTML5 games, which is the part of their online training. Using our new remote content loading feature will allow you to load external contents/URLs inside the BigBlueButton room. This feature will work in breakout rooms as well.

What is BigBlueButton?

What is BigBlueButton?

If you are searching on Google, you will find the official definition is BigBlueButton is completely open-source web conferencing system and was created by a community of dedicated developers passionate about helping improve online learning. So, BigBlueButton is Open source + Web conferencing system + dedicated for Online learning. You are free to use this excellent software for your online web conference solution. As you'll have your full control over it so privacy of your users will never leaks. Because of source code open, you can easily customize it's features by changing it's code. Using our service you can get ready to use BigBlueButton in a minute which will include real-time sharing of audio, video, presentation, and screen – along with collaboration tools such as whiteboard, shared notes, polling, breakout rooms & much more. We have extended features like MP4 recordings, live RTMP broadcasting to Facebook or YouTube, activity report generation, load balancing & so on. We'll take care hosting, maintenance, technical and everything so that you can give focus on your teachers & students.

What MynaParrot think about BigBlueButton?

MynaParrot as a BigBlueButton Premium Hosting provider, we are providing service for more than 100K of BigBlueButton users every month, and our understanding of BigBlueButton is:

BigBlueButton is a plugin of Learning Management System( LMS) for online video classrooms.

Do you want to test BigBlueButton 2.3?

BigBlueButton Version 2.3 was released on 30.4.2021.

According to the official Github release notes, This is the first 'stable' release of 2.3, the culmination of ~20 months of development, 2150 commits, 8 alpha, 5 beta, and 2 release candidates.

How to upgrade BigBlueButton 2.2 to 2.3 (Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04)?

In this article, I'll show you how to upgrade BigBlueButton 2.2 to 2.3. BigBlueButton 2.2 runs on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, but BigBlueButton 2.3 requires Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. BigBlueButton developers recommend installing BigBlueButton 2.3 on a fresh Ubuntu 18.04 server, but we're going to upgrade Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 by following these steps. This will save us time because we will not have to transfer recordings from one server to another. Please keep in mind that proper backup should be taken before beginning. Take a look at some of the exciting BigBlueButton 2.3 features.

Connect with BigBlueButton in easy 2 steps using PHP

In this article, I'll show you how to connect/join with BigBlueButton using PHP. I'm going to use the bigbluebutton-api-php library in this case. This library is very simple to use and has excellent support.

1) The first step is to install the bigbluebutton-api-php library. You must have composer installed on your system. Now, in your local development environment, create a directory and navigate to it using terminal or cmd to run:

composer require littleredbutton/bigbluebutton-api-php

This will install bigbluebutton-api-php along with all necessary packages. If you do not want to use composer, you can download the most recent library as a zip file from our MynaParrot github repo. After downloading, unzip the file and place it in a directory. At that point, you'll need to modify the include path to match your file structure.

5 most exciting newly added features of BigBlueButton Version 2.3

BigBlueButton is working on version 2.3 development. The development version is released for all developers to test and give feedback. What can we expect from the newly added features of BigBlueButton version 2.3? According to the document, many exciting features have been added. They can dramatically improve the online classroom quality and user experience.


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