Top 3 plugins for Moodle in the administration category

Moodle is a free Open Source learning management system software package designed to help educators create effective online courses. The plugins play a significant role in the Moodle community. It can enrich the Moodle features and also getting more developers or companies involved in the Moodle community. Let us have an overview of the top 3 plugins for moodle based on administration purpose categories.

Why you need live captioning on your BigBlueButton online Lessons

What is Live Captioning?

When we refer to live captioning, it means that it can automatically transcribe closed captions that appear on the screen as people talk.

Additionally known as subtitles, live subtitles, closed captions, and automated video captions.

Practical troubleshooting of BigBlueButton Meeting.

Before we begin, ensure that users are using BigBlueButton-compatible browsers. BigBlueButton is browser-based software, so you must use the appropriate browser to get the best performance.
- Desktop/Laptop: Chrome, Firefox, or Edge (latest versions) 
- Mobile iOS (12.2+): Safari Mobile 
- Mobile Android (6.0+): Chrome Mobile 

If this is your first time using BigBlueButton, please have all users arrive 10-15 minutes early so that you can do testing and troubleshooting. It will be extremely beneficial and less stressful. Here are some examples of common problems, along with possible solutions. Most of the time, it will work and assist you in resolving the issue.

17 Frequently Asked Questions about BigBlueButton

Is BigBlueButton free to use? What is the minimum bandwidth requirement for a BigBlueButton user? Is 1080P video supported by BigBlueButton? If you're looking into the BigBlueButton solution, you might have some similar questions. We've compiled a list of 17 frequently asked BigBlueButton questions. Hopefully, you'll find it useful and convenient to find the answer.

How easily to stream your online class to YouTube in less than 1 minute

Broadcasting Your Online Class To YouTube. Easy, Quik, Unlimited.

Let me show you how easily to stream your online class to YouTube in less than 1 minute.

MynaParrot BigBlueButton User Analytical Report

In a BigBlueButton Session.
Do you want to know when the user joined and when the user left?
Do you want to know if a particular user has talked during the session or not? If yes, then how many times or how long did he speak?

With the MynaParrot BigBlueButton analytic report, you can get all of those concerned covered.

Let me show you how it works.

MynaParrrot Service User Guide

Thanks for choosing MynaParrot as your BigBlueButton Service provider. Here is a user guide for you to start using our service.

Briefly, in this video, you will find the following content.

1. Active BigBlueButton Server in your LMS.
2. Use MynaParrot Meeting System.
3. Monitoring Board
4. Recordings Management
5. Configure User limits
6. Customer Support

What Exactly Is LMS and How Can This Help Your Learning Enterprise?

What is LMS? LMS is short for web-based Learning management systems. An LMS could be an on-line application that integrates with existing business processes or an on-line computer software program that is separate from centralized or existing systems. An LMS offers several important benefits to organizations seeking to deal with training.

Moodle VS Canvas - Which System Is Better?

Just a few months ago, when looking at a few threads on Moodle forums, where most people were asking about the most effective internet platform to use, came across this comment from a fellow Moodle user: "I'd choose Moodle over Canvas". That thread was launched by one of their own purchasers. It was subsequently posted in several other areas all over the world-wide web, and I feel that there has been a range of other threads like this one.

What Features Do You Need When Choosing a Learning Management System?

Learning Management systems, also known as LMS are important for teaching and learning. However, not all LMSs are created equal. So, how do you choose which LMS to use for your business?

BigBlueButton Live Captioning Feature Available in MynaParrot

BigBlueButton is an open-source web conferencing system for online learning. The goal of the project is to provide remote students with a high-quality online learning experience. Apart from those popular and common features, there are also some other features which are great but not been popularly used. Live captioning feature is one of them 

A Collection of BigBlueButton API Development Document and Library Samples

BigBlueButton is an open-source web conferencing system for online learning. BigBlueButton's simple API gives you an easy HTTP interface for creating, joining, and ending meetings, as well as management of recordings. For popular LMS( Learning Management System) like Moodle, Canvas, Chamilo, they have ready Plugin. Users can just input the Host Url and Salt Key then can use it and no need for any further coding development. For your own developed LMS or any other system, you also can work a little bit to develop the integration with BigBlueButton. Here we listed the most popular BigBlueButton API documents and Library for you as a reference while you are working on the development.

How to use MynaParrot BigBlueButton Service in Chamilo Plugin (Updated Version)

To work with MynaParrot BigBlueButton Service, you will need to use our customized version of BigBlueButton Plugin for Chamilo, since for this version we have enabled admin user to configure user limits and class duration. since that is very important data for the MynaParrot load balancer system. 

MynaParrot BigBlueButton Hosting Server Selection

BigBlueButton is an open-source web conferencing system for online learning. The goal of the project is to provide remote students with a high-quality online learning experience.MynaParrot is one of the leading providers of BigBlueButton service in the market. The service ideally for the users who don’t want to set up servers, maintain it daily but they do need the high quality of BigBlueButton online learning experience. This blog is going to briefly introduce our server selection rules and load balancer system logic.

How to convert your BigBlueButton recordings to MP4/WebM video file

The original BigBlueButton recordings are good but must be played within the browser, so sometimes you will request a video format. In this way, you can use the content for different platforms. This is the reason we created the MP4/WebM video converter for BigBlueButton recordings as an additional feature to our MynaParrot BigBlueButton clients. It can convert BigBlueButton recordings with just one click. Keep in mind that you must download the file within the 7 day time period, and once this time is up, we will delete it from our server. It can't be generated again.


What does the BigBlueButton error code mean?

BigBlueButton is an opensource video conference software that is becoming increasingly popular during the COVID-19 period. Every day, millions of people take classes online. Users may encounter error codes such as 1001,1006,1007,1020... What does this mean? What should be checked and how should it be fixed?

Why we need you to set user limits on MynaParrot BigBlueButton System

Error message “bigbluebuttonbn / clientCapacityLimitCross: Total limit of user exceeded

When you see this error message or a similar message for user limits warning, it means your concurrent user capacity has reached its limit or is insufficient to create a new session.

Camera Pagination Feature For MynaParrot BigBlueButton Released

Require more cameras to be opened is a strong demand for BigBlueButton Video Conference Users. The entire BigBlueButton developer community also working very hard to improve this feature. Recently the new BigBlueButton version released and it has a Pagination feature.

Video tutorial on how to configure MynaParrot BigBlueButton Service in the Moodle Platform.

Here is a video tutorial on how to configure MynaParrot BigBlueButton Service in the Moodle Platform.
To configure MynaParrot BigBlueButton service in Moodle is very easy, just need to replace the Server Url and Shared secret. Then we will take care of the BigBlueButton Hosting. You can start with a very small plan with 25 concurrent users but still can have the BigBlueButton Video Conference system in your Moodle. 

Video tutorial for how to start Youtube Stream Live Broadcasting

Here is a video tutorial for how to start Youtube Stream Live Broadcasting via Mynaparrot BigBlueButton Online Meeting. This is a useful feature for school need a large number of students for distance learning

MynaParrot BigBlueButton Service Rebranding

Users always ask what we can do for the MynaParrot BigBlueButton Service rebranding. This article is going to show you what we can do and what we need from the user side for the branding.


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