
How to use MynaParrot BigBlueButton Service in Chamilo Plugin

Chamilo is another very popular Opensource LMS software, and now we also support Chamilo users to integrate with our BBB system.

Here is how it works.


Step1.Login to your account 




Go to: https://www.mynaparrot.com/en/my-classrooms

You'll find "Host" & "Salt" there.


Step 3:

Download & follow from here: https://github.com/mynaparrot/chamilo-bbb


Step4. Input that information into your Chamilo BBB plugin






After that configuration, it should work. If not or you need someone to help you set it up, please contact our support team, we will help you to set it up.


Learn more for our BigBlueButton Service, visit here https://bit.ly/2Y34fAB


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