
How to solve the problem for Error connections ICE 1007 in BigBlueButton Meeting

Some MynaParrot BBB users reported receiving this ICE 1007 error message when attempting to join the meeting.

Then we need to figure out why this is happening and figure out how to fix it. You may suspect that it is due to bigbluebutton server or html5 client issues, or that it is related to IP address or port 80.

BigBlueButton is a web conferencing system that is free and open source. It is web-based, so you must use a browser to participate in the meeting. The advantage is that users do not need to download and install any applications on their devices. However, it will necessitate the user configuring some browser settings, particularly the first time. However, while it is generally acceptable and simple to use, you may encounter some issues.

Today we are going to address this common issue for the BigBlueButton user.

ice 1007 reasons

For a short answer, the error caused by a firewall. 

WebRTC errors

1007: ICE negotiation failed - The browser and FreeSWITCH try to negotiate ports to use to stream the media, and that negotiation failed. Possible Causes:

NAT is blocking the connection

The firewall is blocking the UDP connection/ports

WebRTC offers very high-quality audio. However, the user’s network settings (or firewall) may not allow WebRTC to connect (or keep connected).



ice 1007 Solutions

First and foremost, as a developer, you must examine your BigBlueButton server configuration. If your server does not have a TURN server configuration, your users will encounter difficulties if they access from behind a firewall. If you configure the TURN server, you should see better results.

You can find instructions on how to set up the TURN server in this official BigBlueButton Development Doc.


If you are confident that you have correctly installed and configured the TURN server. However, the user may still encounter this issue. What are other options? From our experience, the most practical way to solve it from the user's perspective is to try the following methods:

  • Try again a few times, and it may resolve itself.
  • Restart your computer or mobile device if possible.
  • Try a different browser or update your browser to the most recent version.
  • If possible, switch to a different internet provider.
  • Experiment with different devices.

The cause is sometimes a problem caused by unknown factors. It takes time to detect or solve it; however, as a user, you may only have a few minutes to resolve this issue because you need to enroll in a course. As a result, try those suggestions as soon as possible and see if they work. According to our experience, if your BigBlueButton server is correctly configured, then try those solutions from the user's end, and the problem will be resolved.

If you still aren't able to solve the problem by doing these. Please contact us, and we will assist you in resolving this issue as soon as possible. If you don’t have an account, try it free from here: https://mynaparrot.com/en/try-it-for-free

You can integrate with your Moodle, WordPress, Chamilo, or other LMS in minutes. After that, you can test it to see if the BigBlueButton ICE 1007 error messages continue to appear.

Check our BigBlueButton services & BigBlueButton Hosting.


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