Invitation to Transform Your Virtual Classrooms!

MynaParrot & CreamosTIC Webinar

We are excited to invite you to an exclusive webinar hosted by MynaParrot in collaboration with CreamosTIC on July 18, 2024. Discover the transformative benefits of using professional virtual classroom software for online learning.


Why Attend?

  • Seamless LMS Integration: Learn how professional video conferencing software integrates smoothly with Learning Management Systems.
  • Unlimited Rooms and Hosts: Discover the advantages of unrestricted virtual classrooms.
  • Enhanced Learning Tools: Experience multi-user whiteboards, detailed analytics, and advanced moderator controls.

Who Should Attend?

  • Educators
  • IT Administrators
  • E-learning Course Creators
  • Educational Administrators

Join us to gain valuable insights and elevate your online teaching environment.

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